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From the October 2007 issue of The Christian Science Journal

ONE DAY NOT LONG AGO, OUR EDITOR, BILL DAWLEY, ARRIVED AT WORK WITH A STORY. He'd gone that morning to one of his favorite hangouts— Dunkin' Donuts— in nearby Roxbury, one of Boston's richly diverse neighborhoods. He told us how that morning, while he sat contemplating that week's Bible Lesson, he began to really tune in to the swirl of life and conversation going on around him. People of various backgrounds, races, and ages came in and out. And as Bill soaked up the energy and vitality of the people around him, he caught part of an exchange between two women nearby. "They talked about their church," Bill told us. "But the love in their conversation made it seem like so much more." He paused. "I just felt . . . love. And as I looked around, I could feel that love — divine Love — embracing all of us."

That moment in time touched Bill's heart, and as he recounted his morning's "church experience" out there in the world, we, too, thought of those times when we've felt the power of Love— divine Love— as a real, animating, elemental force embracing, caring for, and supporting not just us individually, but also the whole world.

And so with this issue we launch an ongoing feature— "Love Embracing Humanity." From time to time, we'll revisit this theme and bring you articles and interviews of how people everywhere, in all walks of life, find ways to make Love real and practical in their own lives and in the lives of others. This month, our cover feature celebrates this universal love— the Love that Christian Science assures us ".. unifies men and nations; constitutes the brotherhood of man; ends wars; [and] fulfils the Scripture, 'Love thy neighbor as thyself...'" (Science and Health, p. 340).

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