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From the October 2007 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The Board of Trustees of First Church of Christ, Scientist, New Orleans, recently wrote to the Christian Science Board of Directors of The Mother Church:

What progress! From initial services at the home of our First Reader to holding church in our Sunday School for 18 months, [church] was a haven for so many who had lost so very much. "If we would open their prison doors for the sick, we must first learn to bind up the brokenhearted" [see Science and Health, p. 366]. All of us fell into the category of broken-hearted at that time. Many attending [church services] had lost every worldly possession — homes to family photos. All had incurred some damage or personal loss. [Church] was a center for meeting, embracing, and supporting one another compassionately and prayerfully.

Friends united; family and friends also departed the city in large numbers. The changes were unsettling. Church [became] an anchor. The humble testimonies over the past 18 months would warm even the coldest heart. Our Sunday School, [our] temporary church, was the community center for all the local Christian Science churches [First, Second, and Fourth Churches] since all were flooded. We became one Church.

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