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Testimonies of Healing


From the October 2007 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I LOVE TO JOG. It gives me the opportunity to experience the outdoors — the sun, sky, wind — and to see nature around me. It also fills me with a joyous sense of movement. Further, it's an opportunity to pray in a different setting than my home.

One afternoon a couple of years ago when I was out running, I began to feel dizzy. I also felt discomfort in my chest, particularly the left side. I continued to run, and the feeling left me. Weeks later, the same symptoms returned. As time went on, the discomfort became more frequent. At one point, I awoke in the night to find the same condition, only more pronounced. It was alarming to me.

Having had many healings over my lifetime through the application of Christian Science, I knew that even though I was feeling fearful, this was a wake-up call to buckle down and really pray diligently about the situation. The first idea that came to me was to think about the word circulation. "What is it that circulates?" I asked myself. Before going further, I remembered one of the basic principles of Christian Science: turning thought away from the body, the material picture, to Truth, God. So I asked myself, "What circulates in God's kingdom?" Divine Love circulates. Divine Love moves, acts, and functions in smooth precision, expressing perfect harmony. It does this for eternity, without a missed beat, an abnormal palpitation, or a clogged channel. This divine Love is present in me as the expression of God's being.

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