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Testimonies of Healing


From the October 2007 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I FEEL LIKE MY LIFE began last summer.

Let me explain. For the previous two years, I'd had a growth on the left side of my face above my eye. During the summer, radio and television informercials inundate us with the dangers of being in the sun and of skin cancer, and my family was fearful that this was what I had. Several times my wife mentioned the blemish on my face, especially when she thought it was changing color and shape, and she wondered what I was doing about it because I hadn't been to a doctor, and I hadn't called a Christian Science practitioner for treatment through prayer. Since the growth gave me no pain, I ignored it. And, somehow, I thought if I paid attention to it, I would be giving power to it.

My wife is a Christian Scientist, but during our 30-plus years of marriage, I remained a skeptic of its teachings even though I had attended several Christian Science lectures and was especially interested in the way a particular lecturer presented Christian concepts. I corresponded on and off with this lecturer for some time. However, I was a dedicated high-school teacher, seasonal sports coach, spring and summer umpire, and full-time dad. I felt that I never had the time to give Christian Science the full attention that I had begun to realize it deserved.

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