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From the October 2007 issue of The Christian Science Journal

JESUS DIDN'T CREATE A "TOP DOWN" MINISTRY. He went to the people. In fact, he instructed his followers, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature" (Mark 16:15). That directive hasn't lost its power today. Loving one another doesn't depend on denominations, cultures, races, even time. Divine Love, which governs the universe, embraces every one of us eternally. And in turn, we make love practical right here and now — as Jesus' disciples learned to do — by extending ourselves into the world in the service of others. Share the gospel message. Love thy neighbor. These imperatives compel us today just as forcefully as they compelled believers 2,000 years ago. Our world needs love. How can we give it in practical, healing ways? This month we begin an occasional feature that will explore that very question. Join us. The adventure begins now.

— MJ

PICTURE A MOTHER quietly hugging a child. People around the world see this simple act as natural, and we are all drawn to it. Nobody taught us how to be attracted to the idea of loving and being loved. You may call it intuition, insight, or inspiration, but at its root it is something profoundly spiritual. In fact, if we understand why individuals from disparate backgrounds and points of view are moved by this image, we can understand more about our shared spiritual substance.

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