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From the February 2007 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THE AUTHOR OF SCIENCE AND HEALTH WITH KEY TO THE SCRIPTURES, Mary Baker Eddy, informs us in the preface of that textbook that in 1881 she opened the Massachusetts Metaphysical College in Boston under the seal of the Commonwealth. In 1889, at the height of its prosperity, she saw the need to close it in order to dedicate her entire time to the revision of the textbook. She reopened the College in 1899 as auxiliary to her church. Since 1907, a Normal Class has been taught every three years in accordance with The Church Manual of The First Church of Christ, Scientist—also authored by Mrs. Eddy.

The most recent class took place in December, 2006. This class was taught by Karl (Sandy) Sandberg, C.S.B., of Norwell, Massachusetts. Sandy has served The Mother Church in various capacities. Prior to entering the public practice he served as a US Army Chaplain from 1970—1980. He entered the healing practice in 1981, and became a teacher of Christian Science in 1988. He has served as a Field Assistant for The Mother Church, a member of The Christian Science Board of Lectureship, substitute Reader at The Mother Church, and as the President of the Christian Science Board of Eduction.

The officers of the Board of Education for the coming year are: President—Olga Chaffee, C.S.B., of San Diego, California; Vice-President—J. Thomas Black, C.S.B., of Detroit, Michigan, and Teacher—Karl S. Sandberg, C.S.B.

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