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Following the example set by the question-and-answer columns in the early Journals, when Mary Baker Eddy was Editor, this column will respond to general queries from Journal readers—such as the one above—with responses from Journal readers. It will not cover questions about how to interpret statements in Mrs. Eddy's writings. There's more information at the end of the column about how to submit questions.


From the February 2007 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Given the advancements in the medical field, why would a Christian Scientist opt not to have medical treatment, when much of the time it seems that the medical route would be much simpler? Furthermore, if you're struggling for a long time with a physical problem and you're not getting a healing through Christian Science, why would you stick with it? Isn't this an indication that your method isn't working, and that maybe you should, just this once, go to a doctor instead?

A1 Christian Scientists are always free to choose medical treatment, which many individuals feel is the most obvious solution to health difficulties. But the reason Christian Scientists tend to choose prayer instead—and to stick with prayer even if healing is not coming quickly—has nothing to do with dogma, tradition, or the advances of medical science, but everything to do with their understanding of and relationship to God. This relationship with God is primary, because it has everything to do with one's happiness and has a direct impact on career, family, and quality of living.

Personally, I've found these to be good reasons to rely on prayer in my own life, even when a medical solution may have seemed like a simple way to correct a condition.

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