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From the February 2007 issue of The Christian Science Journal

, Associate Dean of Enrollment for San Francisco Theological Seminary, prayed for a Christian Scientist to enter the program. Having taken Primary class instruction in Christian Science, Dr. Burch, who has a doctorate in religious education, reasoned that the nature of that individual's questions would come from a particular spiritual sensibility that would benefit the other students. Madelon Maupin Miles happened to be that Christian Scientist, entering the program in 2005 to pursue a master's degree in theological studies.

Here, Ms. Miles talks with Burch about Mary Baker Eddy's contribution to religious thinking and practice.

Dr. Burch, I think you're the kind of person Mrs. Eddy could have been writing about when she said, "My weary hope tries to realize that happy day, when man shall recognize the Science of Christ and love his neighbor as himself..." (Science and Health, p. 55). What was it about this Science of Christ that drew you?

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