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The countdown to zero

From the November 2009 issue of The Christian Science Journal

PRIDE, ANGER, SLOTH, lust, gluttony, greed, and envy—what have come to be known as "the seven deadly sins"—serve as a moral compass to millions. Although they are presented throughout the Bible, they are never named together in any sort of formal list. The "list" began with a monk named Evagrius Ponticus in the fourth century, who catalogued eight evils that entice humankind. In 590 a.d., Pope Gregory condensed Evagrius' list to seven and named them "The Seven Deadly Sins."

Since the number "seven" is used in Scripture to represent completeness, we could say that the seven "deadlies" represent the sum total of mortal temptation. And this is where my interest in the subject sparked. Christian Science teaches one to be thorough, but also specific, in praying for healing. Mary Baker Eddy wrote: "Error uncondemned is not nullified. We must condemn the claim of error in every phase in order to prove it false, therefore unreal" (Message to The Mother Church for 1901, p. 15).

In facing down these so-called "snags" to spiritual growth, I've found it's easier to recognize the ploys of evil once they're seen in their various guises. The fact is, as divine Mind's likeness, each one of us is held exempt from any sins—"deadly" or otherwise. This truth, accepted and lived, not only helps liberate us from future temptations, it frees us from a past flawed record.

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