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Testimonies of Healing


From the November 2009 issue of The Christian Science Journal

AS A THIRD-GENERATION student of Christian Science, I now enjoy seeing my children and grandchildren blessed by the truths that Mary Baker Eddy revealed, and I feel a need to write this long overdue testimony.

Nine years ago during the week of Thanksgiving, my mother and my daughter and her family were visiting. In the middle of the night I awoke feeling extremely nauseated and I passed out in the bathroom. This condition had been occurring off and on for several years. Each time it happened I would lose consciousness, and when I fell I would often experience minor or major injuries—one time knocking out my two front teeth. For some reason this always occurred at home after I retired for the night. After each experience, I would call a Christian Science practitioner to pray for me and all would be well for many months, but I didn't do any serious prayerful work about it for myself.

Fearful of again losing consciousness, I called for my husband as I fell face first onto the tile floor. The noise woke my daughter, who woke my mother. Both of them are students of Christian Science, and my mother immediately called a practitioner to support me in prayer. It was not a pretty picture. My nose seemed to be out of place and appeared broken. As my loved ones tried to rouse me, I remember wanting to stay in the peaceful place I was in and resisted their urgings. However, they insisted I rise and lie on the sofa in the family room. My mother quietly prayed and rested near me for the remainder of the night, and the practitioner continued her work. No medication or other attention was given (other than a box of tissues for my nose). I don't recall specifically what was said to me, but loving, thoughtful ideas about God and His perfect creation were shared, and I was able to rest, knowing that divine Mind would reveal whatever I needed to know. I was fully conscious and aware, but I drifted into a peaceful sleep for a few hours before daylight.

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