Can you shed some light on what "I AM THAT I AM" (Ex. 3:14) means from the perspective of Christian Science teaching? Especially the latter part, "THAT I AM."
A1 The ancient Egyptians worshipped many gods, each one having its own name. So when God spoke with Moses commissioning him to lead the Israelities out of bondage, Moses felt that the Israelites would not believe that the one and only God actually had spoken to him. They would want to know that if some god had spoken to him, what was that god's name? So Moses asked God, Who shall I say sent me? What is Your name? God's response: I AM THAT I AM.
I like to think of this name for God as I AM that which is and I AM all. I AM is the creative Mind of all creation who exists now and forever. God is the palpable, loving presence we feel and know as the Principle, the cause or origin, of our being. This cause of all existence is the all good and only Ego, which helps us through any storm, parting our own "Red Seas," as divine Spirit did for the Israelites.