1. A Christian Science practitioner and former school teacher, Meg Dendler finds the concept of being "born again" played out in many facets of her life. She says, "Gaining a spiritual perspective and outgrowing materially based concepts is an ongoing process that keeps life constantly renewed and refreshed." Read Meg's Deep Think piece, "Born Again. And Again . . . ." Page 28.
2. When Diane Marrapodi took an aptitude test in high school, the results showed that her skills suited her perfectly to a career in law. Which is exactly what she's had—practicing the divine laws of Truth, first as a Christian Science nurse, and now as a Christian Science healer and teacher. Diane and her husband have two grown children and live in Forest Hill, Maryland. Read "Divine Defense." Page 32.
3. Serving for several years as a United States Army chaplain, Rob Gilbert retired from the Army as a lieutenant colonel. Later he worked closely with state and federal legislators preserving religious accommodations in law that affected the practice of spiritual healing. While a member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship, Rob spoke to a variety of medical audiences on the practice of spiritual healing, and to high school classes on the subject of comparative religions. Read Rob's article "The Seen and the Unseen." Page 41.