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From the June 2010 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In these pages we've gathered several shorter items — articles of less than a page in length and excerpts from longer manuscripts that offer useful, inspiring insights. We hope you enjoy this kind of short-form nourishment in each issue.

THE MEETING AT WORK ended abruptly when I angrily walked out. A colleague had caustically questioned my judgment, and I allowed myself to boil over. I had several opportunities to apologize, but refused to do so. "Not over it yet." "Still too angry." "He was flat-out wrong." These were just a few of the self-justifying thoughts that kept me from apologizing—thoughts I knew I needed to change.

Easier said than done. My feeling of selfjustification was so strong, it clouded over the forgiveness I knew, as a Christian Scientist, I so desperately needed to show my colleague.

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