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Of Good Report

Taking the high way on the highway

From the March 2013 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Screeeech. The familiar sound of an unexpected road incident. Amid the heavy evening rush hour, the young man on his bicycle suddenly appeared in front of my car, lost his balance from the impact, then disappeared from view below my car’s grille. He had misjudged his timing over a four-lane divided highway crowded with bumper-to-bumper traffic, crossed on a red light in the third lane, then collided with my car, which by then was moving forward on a green light. All traffic stopped at the intersection as drivers silently watched and waited.

Just a few minutes before, I had been standing in line behind this same lad at a gas station counter. He was outgoing and buoyant, obviously enjoying his interaction with others. Now here we were together again under more sobering circumstances.

Yet in spite of the split-second image my eyes took in, the spiritual composure I had been feeling throughout the day was so strong that it sustained an inner calm. In a flash this sense told me that all must be well—for him, for me, and for those around us—because the harmonizing power of the realm of Spirit was present, active, and embracing everyone. As a consequence of this timeless, God-governed moment, fear had no opportunity to strike.

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