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Divine definitions

From the August 2013 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The Glossary in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy is one of my favorite chapters in the whole book. Studying the Glossary, which defines key biblical terms in their metaphysical meaning, naturally opens thought to a more expansive view of the world around us. Through the words and concepts it defines, the Glossary helps reveal the spiritual substance behind everything we see, giving us a spiritual understanding of the universe. The chapter does this because each definition—as Eddy says about Divine Science—rises “above physical theories, excludes matter, resolves things into thoughts, and replaces the objects of material sense with spiritual ideas” (Science and Health, p. 123).   

For instance, years ago, I was learning to white-water kayak. I decided to study Eddy’s definition of river given in the Glossary. It reads: “Channel of thought. When smooth and unobstructed, it typifies the course of Truth; but muddy, foaming, and dashing, it is a type of error” (p. 593). Although this definition references “river” as mentioned in the Bible, it nevertheless helped me understand my contemporary adventure perfectly.

I found that the way I thought of the rivers I kayaked made all the difference. If I was afraid of the rapids, I would become so stirred up that all I could see was “muddy, foaming, and dashing” water, and I was too scared to paddle. In contrast, I realized that when I was peaceful and focused, I consistently discovered calm eddies, or “smooth and unobstructed” spots in the river. When I found these eddies, I could take pauses as I kayaked so that I traveled down the rapids at a progressive yet controlled speed. 

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