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Of Good Report

Joy met me at the door

From the December 2015 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Recently, I went to a Wednesday testimony meeting at a branch Church of Christ, Scientist. At these meetings, time is set aside for sharing healings resulting from prayer. 

This particular week, I was late for the meeting and walked in when the Reader was asking the congregation to have a moment of silent prayer before repeating the Lord’s Prayer together. 

As I stood in the back of the church, it was as if joy itself had greeted me at the door. I felt such overwhelming gratitude during that silent prayer that I couldn’t think of just one thing to be thankful for. I was grateful for the Christ, Truth, for God’s great love, for supply to meet my needs. I gave thanks for health, for family, for the church congregation, and for Christian Science. I was grateful for countless healings that I have seen in my family over the years.

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