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Spiritual Short

I know Love Heals

From the November 2018 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When I hurt myself as a child, often scraping my elbow or knee as I learned to roller skate, I would tearfully go to my mom or dad for comfort. I remember them giving me a gentle kiss, and it helped me calm down and feel safe and well. Years later, as a mother myself, I employed this sweet little action to comfort my children, realizing that it was a way to assure them that Love, our divine Parent, heals, and that we express God’s healing love. 

The Bible tells us, “God is love” (I John 4:8), and in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy writes of the “love of Love” (p. 319).

As a young adult in college, I had been joyously working on a creative project with my sister and several fellow students, when I began to suffer with a severe headache. I excused myself and went to my dormitory to lie down and pray, knowing that my sister and friends, who were all students of Christian Science as I was, would pray and know what was spiritually true about me as God’s loved child. 

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