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Spiritual Short

Look beyond the small windows

From the February 2019 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In our church, there is a tall wall with several windows high up. One day, I happened to glance up at one of the small square windows. It was windy out, and the branches of a tree planted outside were tossing in the wind. As the branches moved back and forth across this window, I knew I was seeing only a small portion of that tree. It was a large tree with many branches on the other side, but through this window I could see very little. Thinking about this, I had an analogy come to mind. 

We often perceive people in certain ways based on a limited human view. We can see them positively: kind, thoughtful, easygoing. Then, of course, we can also see them negatively: mean-spirited, quick to take offense, or even evil. There are other labels as well: diseased, miserable, restricted in one way or another. We know from the Bible, however, that God created man (everyone) in His image, the exact reflection of Himself—purely spiritual. 

Looking through human “windows,” we have a very small view of people, which misses the actual truth about them. While we may think there is only a limited amount of good there—or none at all-—this is not their true nature. God, divine Love, sees the entire man, the whole man possessing all Godlike qualities and nothing unlike God, good. God loves this man—our true identity! In fact, to take things even further, God does not see imperfection at all. The man God sees is perfect, complete; God sees what we really are.

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