One day as I was walking a friend’s dogs, I suddenly found myself facedown on the ground with a young girl standing over me saying, “I’m so sorry! I’m so sorry!” She had been momentarily distracted while riding her bicycle and had run into me full force. My face was scratched and bruised, and my right arm, which had taken the brunt of the fall, was hurting.
I asked for my son to be contacted, and when he arrived ten minutes later, he called 911. Soon the paramedics came and took me by ambulance to the local hospital. On the way there, I used my cellphone to call a Christian Science practitioner, who firmly assured me of my inseparability from God and agreed to pray for me. One of the first things he said was that I should forgive the girl who ran into me, as that would be part of the healing process.
The emergency room attendants cleaned my face and arm, and X-rays were taken. The doctor on duty was puzzled by the X-rays. She said the bone in my upper right arm was broken, but she couldn’t determine how to set it. She advised me to see an orthopedic surgeon as soon as possible.