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Are you a spiritual entrepreneur?

From the June 2020 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Recently a young boy stopped by our home on his way through the neighborhood. He wanted us to know he was available to do any inside or outside cleaning or chores. Although we didn’t have any work for him at that moment, I took his phone number and let him know how much I admired his spirit of entrepreneurship. We talked a while about how special it is to start a business and be of service to others. 

I was barely out of grade school when my own lawn-mowing business took off. Before long, I had several neighborhood lawns to look after in my new and thriving enterprise. And it was a memorable day for me when one of my customers, on his own, decided to pay me a 25 percent increase to mow his lawn (from $1 to $1.25)!

There are countless examples of people of all ages and backgrounds who have a vision for developing a business that will be not only profitable but satisfying. The spirit of entrepreneurship blesses society in many ways, especially when it is impelled by the unselfish desire to help others.

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