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What is true healing?

From the June 2020 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science holds a great promise of healing through prayer based on the laws of divine Principle, God, and the power of Christ, or “God with us.” Better health, abundant supply, meaningful employment, and harmonized relationships result from understanding this divine Principle and following Christ in one’s daily life. But true healing is much more than adjusted human circumstances. It is an awakening to spiritual reality. 

The Bible reveals that each of us is created in God’s image and likeness. And in the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy explains that this likeness is not material but wholly spiritual, like our creator. “Spirit, God, has created all in and of Himself. Spirit never created matter. There is nothing in Spirit out of which matter could be made …” she writes (p. 335). The man of God’s creating is the spiritual expression of divine Spirit’s infinite goodness. 

When we are dealing with the physical evidence of an illness or other discord, accepting this purely spiritual nature of man as the present reality of our being can be quite challenging at times. Yet the laws of Principle are ever operative and ever present, constantly supporting us even when this fact is not physically apparent. And relying on these divine laws is actually a practical help. 

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