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Spiritual Short

An elevated view

From the June 2020 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I awoke early, before dawn, and was praying quietly near the window of my fifth-floor hotel room. As the morning light began to emerge, so did the cars onto the streets below. 

I began to watch from this elevated view and was soon enthralled with what I was observing. We often hear grumbles and complaints of crazy, erratic, and sometimes road-raged drivers, but that morning I was seeing quite a different picture.

Down below I saw obedient drivers, patience in traffic, people obeying laws. Drivers were taking turns, maintaining order—a flow and rhythm—drivers honoring pedestrians crossing the street and staying within their own lanes. I was witnessing principled discipline, expressions of peace and safety, and courtesies extended while people were trusting others to do the same.

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