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Testimonies of Healing

Cured of cancer

From the January 2021 issue of The Christian Science Journal

At one point in my life I became seriously ill. I wanted to rely on Christian Science, as I had experienced many proofs of God’s healing power in my life. However, my closest friend and her parents, who observed the deterioration of my health, were very worried and urged me to see a doctor. 

In order to allay the fear of my friends, who were not Christian Scientists, I went to the university hospital in my city and was directed to the oncology department. I underwent numerous tests, and several doctors were consulted to assess the results. They told me there was nothing they could do to help me, because there was no known medical treatment that could cure this disease. They said that only a miracle could save me and that I was going to die. They mentioned a specific name for the disease, a particular type of cancer.

Later, on one occasion, when visiting a bookstore, I was tempted to look up the name in a medical reference book I came across. When I turned to the page, what I read was horrifying. However, I heard a very loud voice saying, “No! This is not true! You are the image and likeness of God!” This is how the Bible describes God’s children in its first book, Genesis. 

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