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Spiritual Short

Life, a divine adventure

From the January 2021 issue of The Christian Science Journal

While we’re asked to observe social distancing guidelines in my community, I’m thankful to have open city parks and a lovely lake nearby where I’m able to walk. 

The Canada geese and their precious goslings peck for food beside the lake. Water lilies and other plants are bursting forth with red, yellow, purple, and blue flowers. A young boy speeds by on his bicycle, and his sister wobbles on her roller skates while hanging on to her mother. Joggers, walkers, and amateur photographers enjoy the beautiful day. We all keep a respectful distance. The activity reminds me of the Psalmist’s words, “The earth is the Lord’s, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein” (Psalms 24:1).

As I stop to watch some geese gracefully swimming in between tall grasses, a young woman stops nearby, brimming with appreciation for the park. We share our love of nature and life. We even agree that we don’t believe that there is a devil—that God is too good to allow one. We are from different generations and different races, but we are of one Spirit. 

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