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Testimonies of Healing

A healing in the Reading Room

From the January 2021 issue of The Christian Science Journal

As assistant librarian in my local Christian Science Reading Room, one of my duties (delights!) is to decorate the windows and rooms monthly, generally centered on a topic or theme that comes to me through prayer. 

One morning I was finishing up with the windows when I noticed a young man outside digging through a trash can. Then he walked over to the Reading Room’s main window, where he was absorbed in reading the weekly Christian Science Bible Lesson, which was displayed there. The attendant on duty jumped up out of his seat and walked outside, strolled over to this fellow, and began speaking with him.

I grabbed a couple of mandarin oranges I’d brought to snack on and went outside and offered them to the young man during a pause in their discussion. He gratefully took them, and as I walked back inside I could hear some of their conversation. The topic was God’s all-encompassing, universal love for every one of His children and how we are all God’s children, loved and cherished. I noticed the young man nodding in agreement.

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