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Testimonies of Healing

Healed of injuries from a fall

From the January 2021 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Zipping around the house late one night as I turned off lights on my way to bed, I had a misstep. In an instant, I was tumbling down the basement stairs. But in that split second, I reached out to God as my Father-Mother, knowing I could never be separated from Her. 

As I landed on the basement floor, I was grateful that I could lay my head on the bottom step. My son was still asleep, but my husband was awakened by the noise and came downstairs quickly to help me. He brought a cellphone and put it to my ear for me to speak with a Christian Science practitioner he had called for metaphysical treatment through prayer. Even though neither of my hands worked, I was able to get upstairs and into bed with my husband’s help. I felt overwhelmed with gratitude for the loving help I was receiving. 

This happened at a time when I had just finished serving my branch church as Board Chair and as a long-term substitute Reader. Our church was experiencing some conflict within the membership, and I was worried that my ability to pray effectively for myself would be clouded by my overriding concerns about our church. But several months of preparing readings from the Bible and the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, for Wednesday meetings had contributed to my spiritual growth, and the inspiration flowed freely.  

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