One day, while I was out walking, I tripped and fell hard on my knee. I felt a sharp pain, and I was screaming. My friends helped me and took me to a nearby hospital, and my family met me there. They were upset, too, when they saw me in pain.
The doctor came out after some minutes with the X-ray report and said I would have to wear a cast for the knee to heal. But I asked not to have the cast put on yet. I wanted some time to pray. The doctor agreed, but he said he didn’t know how long it would take for it to heal and that a lack of progress could lead to irreversible consequences.
I was afraid that my knee would never heal. But as I rode home in the car, I began to pray. And before I reached home, I shouted, “I am healed!” I knew I was healed because I didn’t feel pain anymore. I started to think my mind was playing tricks on me—that I could never be healed that quickly. But I realized that that thought was not from God. The Bible says, “God is love” (I John 4:8), and Love never creates sickness, pain, or doubt.