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Of Good Report

Steady growth and healing, despite childhood trauma

From the January 2023 issue of The Christian Science Journal

As a student of Christian Science, my prayers have led me to the contemplation of God as our Father-Mother. I have seen many instances that show how God cares as a Shepherd and always gently leads us to take proper footsteps. But sometimes the answers we seek aren’t quickly evident. 

A poem by Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, begins, “Shepherd, show me how to go / O’er the hillside steep” (Poems, p. 14), and it speaks of rejoicing “all the rugged way.” I have been shown the benefits of listening for God’s voice and following it, though the way was often rugged. The effects of what one would label childhood trauma were overcome in my life through prayer and an understanding of God’s great love and care.

As a very young child I led a happy and secure life. I was the eldest in a family of six children. Our home was full of love and joy. Education was highly valued. We were students in Christian Science Sunday School, and each week we learned more about the source of good, God. The future seemed very bright.

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