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Spiritual Short

Nothing can be lost in Mind

From the January 2023 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Last year my wife bought me a pair of nice quality wireless earbuds, and I use them several times each day. One day, while mowing the lawn, I used only one earbud and put the other in its charging box. When I finished mowing, I went back to retrieve the box but couldn’t find it. 

I looked everywhere inside and outside the house. I even walked back through my mowing route three times. Finally, after searching for an hour without success, I suggested to my wife that we ask our neighbor if one of the children at her family reunion had found the box. But my wife’s answer showed me a better way to orient my thoughts. She reminded me: “There is no loss. Everything is in its proper place. We know that there is one Mind and that Mind is all-knowing. As Mind’s reflection, you can listen and be guided by God. You have to stop looking and start listening, and you will be directed.” 

I gave up the search and began to mentally stick with this truth. I even let go of the temptation to search in my memory for the earbud and charging box. In the morning, after studying the Bible Lesson for the week from the Christian Science Quarterly, I went outside to care for our chickens. As I was coming through the back door, I heard a very clear voice in my thought saying, “Go look under the tree near the garage.” 

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