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What does Spirit do in our lives?

From the October 2023 issue of The Christian Science Journal

At those times when we feel up against a brick wall—whether in a relationship, with a work issue, or with a health concern—what good does it do to realize and understand what Spirit, or God, is already and always doing?   

As a starting point, Spirit, a biblical name for God, creates, governs, and maintains all that is spiritual, all that is real. That includes each of us as spiritual offspring of God. Spirit is continuously emanating all goodness, harmony, purity, and right activity; and in truth, we’re all included in that boundless harmony. So this is what Spirit is continuously doing—this is the operation of Spirit.  

But how is Spirit’s activity evident in our day-to-day experience? How does it come into our lives? How can we tangibly experience that Spirit is not “out there” while we’re “over here” flailing about? 

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