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Testimonies of Healing

Medical diagnosis overturned

From the June 2024 issue of The Christian Science Journal

After I experienced heavy bleeding following a positive pregnancy test, I made an appointment with a doctor to determine if I was still pregnant, as I thought I might have miscarried. I learned I was no longer pregnant, and the doctor, a fertility specialist, said I never would be again unless I put myself wholly under his care. I knew of those who had gone through arduous fertility therapies and treatments, but prayer had always been the answer to my problems, and I felt a strong conviction that God was the only physician I needed and would heal whatever needed healing. 

I thanked the doctor and went home.

Although my husband and I were devastated by the possibility that we would never have children, I was comforted by the prayers of a Christian Science practitioner. We worked from a spiritual, not a material, standpoint, seeing me as the image and likeness of God, the perfect Father-Mother. 

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