Testimonies of Healing
My attention having been called to Christian Science by a friend who asked me to attend the meetings, I had a chance to become acquainted with all the advantages of the Christian religion which Jesus Christ revealed to us. About three years ago I was taken ill with a seemingly alarming throat trouble, but it was overcome by Christian Science treatment in a comparatively short time.
Before we heard of Christian Science my husband and I had struggled for years with sorrow and care. My husband had become completely discouraged and did not dare any longer to hope for an improvement of the conditions, but as a last effort to find help and comfort we turned to Christian Science upon the advice of acquaintances of ours.
It is with a feeling of profound gratitude that I send this testimony. I did not come to Christian Science for physical healing though for about fifteen years I had been more or less an invalid, and twice had been laid up for months.
My heart goes out in gratitude to God, and to our dear Leader, Mrs. Eddy, for what Christian Science has done and is doing for me and for all mankind.
In the hope of helping some poor sufferer, I will give my experience with Christian Science after I had tried doctors and medicines of all kinds with little or no relief. Late in the fall of 1906 my husband and I were both taken with fever—in fact we had not been without some sickness for years.
I have been brought up with Christian Science from the time I was a very small child, and naturally have a great deal to be thankful for. I would like to bear testimony to the daily blessings I have received through Christian Science during all these years.
For some twelve years before becoming interested in Christian Science I had worn glasses. I had put them on originally to overcome severe pain in my eyes whenever I tried to read by artificial light.
My heart is full of deepest thankfulness to God, and of gratitude to Mrs. Eddy for the revelation of Christian Science.
I can express only in a slight degree my thankfulness for the blessings which I have received in Christian Science. About a year ago I found myself suffering from several complaint's which the family physician told me would result seriously.
In gratitude to God for perfect health, after having been raised by Him, through Christian Science, from what I and my physicians and friends supposed to be my deathbed, I wish to give, through the Journal, the following facts: In July, 1905, while living in Wichita, Kan. , I was taken severely ill with what the physician pronounced inflammation of the bowels.