Testimonies of Healing
I did not investigate Christian Science for the physical healing; I had passed through great tribulation, and was hungering and thirsting for a more spiritual religion. I had been a member of an orthodox church since childhood, and clung to its teaching as my only comfort; but I often remarked that the sermons, although so good, did not seem to satisfy me, yet I always prayed for God to give me wisdom and understanding.
I first heard of Christian Science in 1896, at Dayton, O. , where a dear friend was striving to walk in the narrow way At that time, however, my health was fairly good, and I thought, too, I never could be as unselfish as this friend.
At six years of age I had scarlet fever, and became subject to all the laws made for me by mortal mind, and they are many in connection with that disease. The seeming physical suffering I should not have minded so much, as the supposed lack of nervous energy and of brain power.
WHEN I was but a child, a friend of my mother visited us, bringing with her some Christian Science literature. I do not remember that she talked upon the subject, but one day she handed me one of her books, remarking that I might find something interesting in it.
Christian Science has done and is doing so much for me that I feel I must express my gratitude, not only to God, who has given us this wonderful gift, but also to our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, for her life of devotion and consecration, whereby we are enabled to make practical the many promises of God.
I had suffered for many years from stomach and bowel trouble, and had three years of almost constant sickness. After medical skill and all material remedies had failed me, and when I felt that I was on the verge of death, I was induced to try Christian Science as a last resort.
" Only by the way of most insistent and persistent reliance on God, do we come actually to realize that we live and move, and have our being in Him. " I was in "bondage to the flesh" for many long years, suffering— intensely from rheumatism.
I did not come into Christian Science through the physical healing but for spiritual uplifting. For many years I had been seeking for something better than I had hitherto known.
It is doubtless true that those who have been relieved through Christian Science of long-standing physical suffering have a feeling of gratitude for Christian Science that others may not appreciate. My entrance into Christian Science was through another door.
It is almost five years since I turned to God for help and began earnestly to obey Science. I had had class instruction a number of years before, but in a short time moved away to where there were no Christian Scientists, and though there never was one moment when I did not believe it truer fear kept me from proving it.