Testimonies of Healing
Christian Science came into my life six years ago, and meeting the heart's great need, has awakened so much gratitude and love that they must be expressed for the benefit of others. I took class instruction of one of Mrs.
In January, 1899, I was suffering from despondency caused by business reverses, which, though temporary, seemed beyond remedy or relief; but when the way was most dark and gloomy there came to me "the guiding star of Truth, .
I should like to express my gratitude through the medium of the Journal for what Christian Science has already done for me. I had suffered very severely with stomach trouble from childhood, which was considered hereditary, and had lived on a very rigid diet of liquid foods.
About three years ago my attention was first seriously drawn to Christian Science. Although I had been suffering from severe nervous indigestion for about eight years, and was constantly taking drugs which did not help me at all, it was not the healing only that drew me to Christian Science.
I have received so much benefit, physically, mentally, and spiritually, within the past ten years by simply obeying the "still, small voice" which spoke to me, that I have learned to obey without questioning. Less than ten years ago, inharmony and chaos reigned in my life and I knew not which way to turn or how to extricate myself.
In looking back over the past seven years of my life, how thankfully do I realize that "the spiritual idea" does "guide all right desires in their passage from sense to Soul" (Science and Health, p. 566).
Since the receipt of the above, the following letter has come to hand:— "My case has been one of continual development. The accident happened about four years ago, and the healing has been slow, but it has proved, at every step of the way, that human belief is nothing, until now the hand that was so seriously burned has nearly reached its normal condition, and I have as much use of it as I ever had.
The beauty of the teachings of Christian Science lies in their practical usefulness. We have all our lives read the Bible, which is filled with protecting promises; yet they seldom appealed to us only as something that might have met the needs of humanity in ancient days.
My understanding of Christian Science has come slowly. My physical and mental transformation, the result of "the renewing" of my mind, as taught in the Bible and made plain in the blessed teaching of Christian Science, has therefore been very gradual, yet in two years much has been overcome.
I first heard of Christian Science in 1885 while visiting in the vicinity of Boston. I was a sickly child from birth and had sickness constantly held before my eyes; it seemed to grow with my growth until, when I reached womanhood, the days of suffering increased and life became a burden.