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Questions Answered

From the January 1886 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Are doctrines and creeds a benefit to man?

I subscribed to an Orthodox creed in early youth, and strictly adhered to it through many years; but when all earthly means had failed to restore my health, I caught the first gleam of what interprets God as higher than man-made creeds. This vision took me away from human beliefs, and gave the spiritual import of all things from the Divine Mind, expressed through Science. This gave me a new sense of Life, of God, and healed me.

Ever since then my highest creed has been Divine Science, which, reduced to human apprehension, I have named Christian Science. This Sacred Science teaches man that God is his only Life, and that this Life is Truth and Love; that God is to be understood and demonstrated, instead of believed and feared; that divine understanding casts out human error and heals the sick.

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