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From the January 1886 issue of The Christian Science Journal

After a thorough investigation, I gladly reply to the question, "What are your views of Christian Science? "

To me it is the one great Truth; the understanding of God, with all His loving attributes; the understanding of man; the understanding of the relation existing between God and man,—how He works in and through those who accept His truth understandingly, and faithfully abide in it. If Jesus is the vine, and we are the branches, as Scripture declares, must we not partake of His Substance, and our heritage be harmony, love, and peace? God spoke not more audibly to Adam, in the garden, than He calls to man in this the nineteenth century. Angels—in their divine mission, sent out by the Father— walk the earth, clad in the habiliments of men, as really as did the three with whom Abraham talked. In the prophetic teachings of the wise men of to-day, the expressions of Divine Will are as clearly manifested as they were in the earlier revelations. The Pool of Siloam, touched by the healing virtues of the Eternal, is as efficacious to cleanse the leprous spots, as were the troubled waters of Palestine, when they beheld, in the embodiment of manhood, that power which spake the dead into life, and caused the scales to fall from eyes hitherto shut out from the light of day. My attention was called to Christian Science last summer, through a lady Scientist, whose lovely Christian character attracted my attention. She answered my many questions, until I became intensely interested. There was a strange fascination about this new tongue, which I could not evade until I had searched it most thorougly. I learned that the Rev. Mrs. Eddy, pastor of the Church of Christ (Scientist), Boston, was the favored one, to whom this great Truth was first revealed. I determined to learn of her, who had mounted the summit of inspiration. I joined a class of twenty, in which I was pleased to find most intelligent and cultured people,—distinguished divines and physicians, who had come to learn of her, whose daily life is an embodiment of the following prayer:—

Oh my God, I offer, as a consecrated gift upon Thine altar, a heart dedicated to Thy service, lips speaking only words of Charity, Love and Truth, thoughts striving to he only the true thoughts of the Mind of God. Help me to endure unto the end, strong in the faith, powerful in the Truth. All the influence that I can bring to bear, all the force of tongue or pen that is mine, I offer in Thy service. May Heaven help, bless, consecrate, and accept.

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