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Abiding Under the Shadow of the Almighty

From the January 1886 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The peace, the rest, the sure strength, that he finds who "dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High," can never be known or appreciated by one who has not that abiding sense of security from the "terror by night" and the "arrow that flieth by day." Neither "the pestilence that walketh in darkness," nor "the destruction that wasteth at noonday," approaches him, except to depart, for God is both refuge and fortress. The discords of mortal mind may jangle on in their tuneless way; but he who hears the melody of heaven is little disturbed by the wrangle, unless he undertakes to educate a brother to where his ears shall be attuned to harmony. Then comes the warfare between that which is, and that which is not.

"He shall cover thee with His feathers." Ah, the rest and strength of Divine Love! Human love may fail or grow weary, but this abides with us forever. It overcomes all difficulties; it heals the sick; it destroys sin; it takes away the sting of the grave. Love is the Cause of all that is permanent, and there is nothing else.

The diablerie of individual hatred and jealousy is inflated to a point of danger, for him who cherishes such thoughts. They are the evil spirits that will rend him asunder, unless he departs from the errors of his way. Those who prefer darkness to light harm themselves more than they possibly can others.

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