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From the January 1886 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The experience of to-day differs not essentially from that of past ages, in point of Truth's betrayals. If this grave charge attaches to parties who may have received, from our most worthy teacher, special fitness for the sacred trusts committed to their care, I do solemnly urge upon them to beware of misusing these unprecedented favors, lest by so doing they sharpen the weapons of their own destruction.

We clip the following from The Chicago Journal:—.

Persons ask for statistics of the new treatment of disease in our city. First, let me premise that Metaphysics were taught long years ago, by the German mystics, but none of them made the discovery that their science could be applied to the prevention and cure of disease. It was left for a Boston lady to make this discovery, who several years since founded the Massachusetts Metaphysical College. She calls her discovery Christian Science, because it is founded on the teaching, precepts, and deeds of Jesus the Christ. In brief, it is a revival of primitive Christianity. She demonstrates the soundness of her faith by her works,— casting out demons, or errors, and diseases, by the power of Mind over matter. There are said to be now in Chicago at least one hundred operators engaged in this good work. Many intelligent citizens, known to the writer, have been permanently cured of both acute and chronic diseases. The votaries of Christian Science are among those of whom Christ said: " He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do, because I go unto my Father." (John xiv: 12.)

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