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From the January 1886 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Attention is called to this volume. It s worth the notice, not only of Christian Scientists, but of all who are interested in the progress of truth.

It is from the University Press, Cambridge, and this is a guaranty for its typographical appearance. All the material of the other editions is herein retained; but all of it has been carefully revised and rewritten by Mrs. Eddy, and greatly improved. The arrangement of the chapters has been changed. One new chapter has been added, on the Apocalypse, giving an exposition of the bearings on Christian Science of the twelfth chapter of Revelation, to which it is believed by Mrs. Eddy to particularly relate.

A special feature is a full Index, prepared especially for this edition, by a competent gentleman. In these days no important book has any right to come before the public without a proper Index.

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