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From the January 1886 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The full title is Stories for Kindergartens and Primary Schools; but the writer must always associate this book with its authoress. She is a Michigan lady, with plenty of goodness and pluck: an Orthodox Congregationalist, and attached to the Old South Church, having resided in Boston for several years as a Kindergartener, in one of Mrs. Quiney Shaw's charity schools, in the Roxbury District. Mrs. Shaw (a daughter of the great Agassiz, by the way) has for several years been doing a valuable work among the poor, and Miss Wiltse was one of the first to enter this divine service; not only serving Mind, Intelligence, and Truth inside the schoolroom, but helping Love and Life outside, in the homes of the needy and friendless. She had weekly occasion to tell stories to her little pupils, and was often able to draw their histories from real life among the lowly. From this garden of tales she has culled a nosegay of sixteen, to which she has added a few seasonable poems. These stories are such as her children always liked, an assurance that other children will like them also. Indeed, the little folks designed some of the quaint illustrations. The print is large and clear, the price low, the binding neat, strong, and flexible. Ginn & Co. have given the child-loving public a book worth having.

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