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Testimonies of Healing

Christian Science came to my rescue at a time when...

From the October 1903 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science came to my rescue at a time when a dark cloud was hanging over my life, which threatened to wreck utterly my health, and not only my own happiness, but that of my family as well.

I had come to a time when the doctors could do no more for me, and I realized that if there were any help for me, it must be beyond human power.

Having enjoyed the great blessing of Christian parentage, I had from a little child felt an abiding faith in God's love and goodness; I could not understand why this great affliction had come upon me, but felt that in some way it would prove to be all for my good. For several years I had been gradually drifting away from the Christian beliefs which I had inherited from generations of Puritan ancestors.

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