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Testimonies of Healing

I have been benefited so much by Christian Science, that...

From the October 1904 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I have been benefited so much by Christian Science, that I feel it a duty as well as a pleasure to give my testimony. After years of acquaintance with materia medica I have found that Christian Science treatment affords me more reliable protection from physical maladies, while at the same time it brings health and peace of mind, which is of even greater importance. It is over four years since I began in Christian Science. I sometimes feel discouraged that I am no farther advanced in Science, but when I am with my friends who are out of Science, I think I have gone a long way after all.

When Christian Science found me I had been in bed for five months, not able to walk a step, and the most of the time not able to sit up. I had suffered for years from gall stones, ovarian and female trouble, and at last a cancer. This was supposed to be hereditary, as my father had passed away with cancer. Four of the best physicians we could secure had exhausted their means in materia medica, trying to relieve my suffering, and at last they said they could do nothing more for me. They advised me to go to a hospital and recuperate, and then have the operation performed for gall stones, also one to remove an ovary, and another for cancer. One doctor said I would not live through the operations, even though I got strong enough to attempt it.

I then consulted an. osteopathic doctor twice. I was anxious to know if he could do something for me, but he would not take my case. He said he would rather take patients that he had some hope of curing. I have no unkind words for my doctors, for I believe they did all they could to alleviate my sufferings. By this time I was badly discouraged, as I dreaded the thought of the knife but I did not feel like giving up. I wanted to get well, so I began to make preparations to be taken to the Mercy Hospital in Des Moines, Iowa, to recuperate.

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