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Testimonies of Healing

It is now nearly twelve years since Christian Science was...

From the October 1904 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is now nearly twelve years since Christian Science was brought to my notice. I was being sent to California to see what a change of climate would do for me. My troubles were of an internal nature brought on by too much tobogganing, a too great ambition to achieve honors in my studies at college, taken in connection with a gay social life, and a very delicate constitution to begin with. All this resulted in extreme nervousness and inability to keep up except under a tension. I knew that my cousins to whom I was going were Christian Scientists, and I remarked to the doctor that I would doubtless have no further need of him in consequence; at which he laughed so heartily that his glasses fell off. How little I realized the truth of my own statement.

These relatives were considerate, never urging their religion upon me as I had expected. They suggested that all my suffering was unnecessary, but they were very firm on the point that all applications and braces would have to he done away with and medicines discarded if help were to be gained from a higher source. This I was afraid to do for some time until positively driven to it.

After my first treatment I awoke feeling nothing worse but rather better and thus encouraged I went on. In two weeks we drove to the Geysers, an eighty-three-mile trip in three days, and on our arrival went through them in a pouring rain. Previous to this an hour in a carriage was too much. After five weeks I stood a mountain ride of fifty-four miles in one day on top of a stage coach, with no greater fatigue than is usually incident to a trip of that nature. I returned home well, but with no more interest in Christian Science than I would have had in a physician who had healed me, for I had not been asked to read anything and knew nothing of the Principle which had wrought the change. So, when, some years later, another ailment presented itself I returned to my old physician. In spite of his verdict that I would have no more trouble from that source, I found myself, two months later, as ill as before. I then sought a Scientist again, and this time I did not get away without hearing a great deal. It was not, however, until I had the care of my two little girls that I realized the necessity of an ever-present remedy and help, and began to be really interested to study Christian Science for myself. I have received class instruction, which has proved wonderfully beneficial, and Christian Science has proved an efficient remedy for many ills.

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