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Testimonies of Healing

It is with gratitude that I give my testimony, hoping...

From the November 1905 issue of The Christian Science Journal

IT is with gratitude that I give my testimony, hoping that it may benefit others struggling for health and happiness. Twelve years ago I became afflicted with what the doctors pronounced cancer. I first consulted the family doctor, a prominent physician of this city. After examining me carefully, he said that he believed an operation would be necessary; he would first try, however, to dispel the manifestation; but if this treatment did not succeed, all he could do would be to remove the breast. I did as directed, but after suffering from the awful burning sensation which the remedy produced, I found at the end of three weeks that the growth had become double the size that it was when I commenced treatment. My fear was very great when I returned to him, and he told me to have it removed at once; that he believed it to be cancer. I would not, however, decide till I had consulted with another eminent doctor of a different school, who, after having made a thorough examination, said the best thing I could do was to have it removed at once. I had always heard that such a disease was fatal, and needless to say I felt much discouraged and frightened. My little daughter, my only child, was not quite three years old, and the thought of leaving her was awful. I returned to the first doctor mentioned, and had the operation performed. He was very kind to me; so were the nurses at the hospital, and the two other physicians who assisted in the operation. They all seemed to think I had taken it in time and would have no further trouble. This was the latter part of March,' 1893. The following year, in the latter part of January, another growth seemed to manifest itself just above where the first had been. Again I went to my kind doctor. He removed this lump about the middle of February, with the assistance of one other physician, whom I heard remark that it was surely cancer. I then declared that this was the last operation I would undergo. It was hardly three months before another growth appeared. I felt much discouraged, and it was then I thought of trying Christian Science. I had heard of it through some of my friends who had been healed. On Sunday morning I took my first treatment and had some of the truths of Christian Science explained to me. I went home feeling perfectly happy and well. In a few days I returned and had two or three absent treatments given, and felt that I was all right. I soon went away to spend the summer with a sister, and thought very little of my trouble. The following spring, however, my old trouble seemed to be coming back. Great fear took hold of me, and I took several bottles of medicine, and kept growing worse. I became so discouraged that I went to visit my parents, with the thought that it would be my last visit home. I talked the trouble over with my mother, telling her how I had been helped the spring before, so we concluded to go to the Christian Science Reading Room to see some Scientists who were old friends. I used to ridicule them when I first learned they had accepted Christian Science; however, they were glad to see me and were ready to help me. They all looked so healthy and happy that I felt better in a very few minutes. I asked one of them for treatment. I shall never forget how kindly she talked to me; she also gave me some literature. Two weeks from that time all the growths (there seemed to be several then) had disappeared. I felt very happy and thankful, and the thought of cancer entirely passed away.

At that time I seemed to think that I did not need Christian Science any more; that all I wanted was my health. I have realized since how much I missed by my disobedience. After several years of severe suffering and sorrow I was glad to turn again to God. My daughter's health had become so bad that I began to fear I would not have her much longer; at times she suffered terribly. I had two different doctors treat her, and sometimes they would make two or three calls in twenty-four hours. When the attacks came on she would be in bed several days. She was also subject to severe sick-headaches, having to miss school often on that account. It was then that I began to see what a sad mistake I had made by not clinging to Christian Science, and we commenced attending services at the Christian Science church and reading the literature. The next severe attack that my little daughter had was about four weeks after we had begun our study of Christian Science. She said she wanted her Sunday School teacher to treat her. I sent word to the teacher at once, who gave her absent treatments. It was Saturday noon that she fell sick; it seemed the worst attack she had ever had, and the fear was great that night till about ten o'clock, when it was soon overcome. I repeated to her the scientific statement of being, in Science and Health (p. 468), whenever she seemed restless. On Monday morning she went to school, feeling perfectly well. That was the last spell of sickness she has ever had, besides being entirely free from sickheadaches. To see her now one would think she had never seen a day of sickness in her life, and before being healed she was thin and pale and delicate. Her healing was a great revelation to me, and I have often said, "How did we ever live without Christian Science?"

It would take long indeed to tell of the many blessings that have come to us the past three years through what understanding we have of this blessed truth that makes us free. My heart overflows with gratitude to our dear Leader, Mrs. Eddy, who has given this religion of love to the world.—

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