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From the November 1905 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The beginner in Christian Science occasionally finds his past-honored beliefs rising up to rebuke him for having departed from scholastic theology's well-beaten tracks. He should remember, however, that in Christian Science he is being healed by that holy, uplifting faith which is the fulfilment of all that the great theological teachers have hoped and prayed for. The Bible promise that "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much," in no way disagrees with either the teachings of true theology or with Christian Science, and this is the basis upon which the power is invoked that heals the sick.

One of the reasons why we do not at once attain that freedom to which we as children of God are entitled, is the habit we have formed—and which has come down to us from countless generations—of regarding ourselves as part of the material creation. Every thought we bestow upon ourselves exerts an influence over us. Taking the Bible statement, "As he [a man] thinketh in his heart, so is he," as a basis for analysis, we find that we are constantly building up and adding to the very conditions which we should be trying to get rid of. A better plan would be to declare the truth at all times, no matter if a mortal sense of things cries out that our declarations are ridiculous and false. We should remember that mortal sense is the liar, and with every assertion it seems to make, it is trying to place the lie upon truth. We are "joint-heirs with Christ," and we are entitled to, and should insist on entering upon, our rightful heritage, which is an abundance of peace and joy and strength. If an attempt were made to impose upon us any penalty which was found to be at variance with the protective provisions of our Constitution, we would dispute it with all our might, and would insist that such law had no place or authority whatever; yet we quietly submit to the penalties which error imposes upon us every hour of the clay instead of rising up and claiming the protection of divine law,—the law of Love which our Father has said shall govern the universe in which we live.

In Christian Science we are not getting away from anything that is worth retaining. In it we find the fulfilment of all the good things we have been taught to love and revere in the old church, and Christian Science makes no demands of us that we cannot conscientiously fulfil. It is at-one with all Christian teaching regarding the essentials of faith, and it is plainly evident that Christian Science advocates no more in precept than do other Christian systems of doctrine.

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