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Testimonies of Healing

The testimonies given through the columns of the Journal...

From the November 1905 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The testimonies given through the columns of the Journal and the Sentinel contain so much that is helpful, that I hope, by giving my testimony, to return in a small measure what I have received. More than a year ago my attention was first seriously directed to Christian Science. Prior to this time I had attended services of four different denominations and failed to find anything in them that was satisfying. Having many misconceptions of Christian Science, the literature did not appeal to me at first, but after giving careful attention to the words of my Science friends, and noting the effect its teaching produced in their daily lives, I was finally convinced of its truth. Through Christian Science I was healed of a physical ailment of many years' standing, and recently my understanding of this truth prevented an attack of the grip. My only sister was for many years very ill, and was an inmate of an insane asylum part of the time. Her case was pronounced incurable by some physicians, but through Christian Science she was enabled to come home, and she is now perfectly well.

It is, however, for the spiritual healing that I am particularly thankful. I cannot adequately express my gratitude to God, and to our beloved Leader.

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