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Testimonies of Healing

From childhood I was very weak and sickly

From the November 1905 issue of The Christian Science Journal

From childhood I was very weak and sickly My main troubles were frequent attacks of nervous headache, increasing in severity as I grew older, and always ending with convulsions. At the age of nine I had so severe an attack that, after having fever and pain for two days, I was thrown into convulsions which lasted for two hours. 1 then had the first help in Christian Science. As soon as the practitioner could be reached I began to get better, and was up and out of bed three hours after I received my first treatment I am now sixteen, and am well, strong, and happy. I have not tasted medicine of any kind since I was nine years old although I have had scarlet fever with sore throat, but Christian Science healed me. At another time I had a very severe cough that lasted over a month, getting worse every day This was during the winter following my first experience in Christian Science. My mother did not want to give me medicine, yet she had not learned enough in Science (as she then thought) to know how to help me. My cough was so bad one night that I did not sleep, but coughed all night and next day. Toward evening my mother told me to sit down by her side and repeat the Lord's Prayer, and she would seek to realize the truth for me. After a few minutes my cough was gone. I slept all night without coughing once. I went to school in the rain and over wet roads, but it all did not hurt me. Toward the spring of 1899, I was taken with a cough again, which developed into an attack of pneumonia, but this also was healed by the realization of the ever-presence of divine Love. Four years ago I had mumps. We were moving from the farm to the city, and I rode in an open buggy against a cold wind; but no bad result followed, for I knew that God is my Life and my health.

Last winter an epidemic of measles was raging here. I also was taken with it and seemed to be very bad, but I recovered rapidly and was soon able to be up. I had, however, lost the sense of hearing, so I went to see a practitioner at Milwaukee. While there I had the privilege of hearing a Christian Science lecture. I did not want to go to it, because I could not hear, but I was told to go and that I might be healed. I thank God that I went, for although I could not hear anything at first, it was not long before I heard clearly all the lecturer said, and the trouble was gone never to return, for which I am very thankful to God. I am thankful for Christian Science, as taught by Mrs. Eddy.—

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