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Testimonies of Healing

About a year and a half ago my little son, five years...

From the March 1905 issue of The Christian Science Journal

About a year and a half ago my little son, five years old, was taken with an abscess, and after almost three weeks of suffering he underwent an operation in which the flesh was stripped from the bone, from the thigh nearly to the knee, and a tube inserted. After he had spent ten days in the hospital I was informed that at least two more operations were necessary, as three open sores had formed, that the bone was in an advanced stage of decay, and that even with all this they had little hope of saving the limb, as he had become so reduced in bodily strength that even his living was doubtful, from a human standpoint.

On my refusal to have anything more done, I was told that I must remove him, as they could not be responsible for the results of my criminal folly in neglecting his only chance. After his removal from the hospital, he was placed under Christian Science treatment. Less than a month later the lady who was caring for him, and who is not a Scientist, wished another examination, and was told by the physician to take off the bandages and let the boy use the limb, as there was nothing to bandage. Since this time the limb has been completely healed and even the scars are disappearing. At first it seemed that the limb was shortened. but all the lameness is gone and he runs and plays all day long. I would like to add that since his healing there has never been the smallest symptom of trouble, and the limb is as straight and sound as the other. Nothing is now to be seen but the three scars where the openings were, and he has been out in all kinds of weather, sliding and coasting, and is entirely free. I feel I can never express my gratitude to our Leader for the revelation of this Christ-truth which she has brought to weary hearts.

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