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Testimonies of Healing

Thirteen years ago I turned to Christian Science for...

From the March 1905 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Thirteen years ago I turned to Christian Science for help as a last resort. For ten years I had suffered with chronic and acute diseases. I was considered a hopeless invalid, and I can remember seeing the tears run down my father's face when I was examined by physicians. My home at that time was in Chicago, and I had the benefit of the best physicians in that city, and every available, material remedy was tried. From my childhood I have always had faith in prayer, and although my faith was sorely tried many times, yet I never gave up, and was led, as I thought, to different physicians, until I accepted the help of a homeopathic physician, a man of high moral sense who gave me much encouragement. I followed his directions faithfully for three years, then a change seemed necessary and the climate of California was advised. We accepted his advice, and two months from that time were en route for Los Angeles, Cal.

After arriving there, new scenes and new associations satisfied for a while, then under the continued bondage of suffering, creeds did not satisfy. For some time weekly prayer meetings were held at my home, and when scarcely able to sit up, I helped at those meetings, always with the heart-hungering cry in my thought, "Where, oh where, is God?" I wrote to the physician in Chicago, telling him I was not improving, and he sent me medicine by mail and wrote encouraging letters, until I wrote him that he need not send me any more medicine. Not long after this I heard of Christian Science for the first time. I was led to accept the treatment, and "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, was placed in my hands. Through the treatment and the reading of the book a complete change of thought followed. Although I had been such a slave to material remedies, they were all dropped and forgotten. The whole world looked brighter, and I knew that I had found God; and neither tongue nor pen can ever express what it meant to me. I knew that I had found in Christian Science the living truth which anchored me to the rock of Jesus' teachings, and showed me that they could be demonstrated. Diseases melted away under the sunlight of Truth and Love, strength was renewed, happiness and the peace that the world could never give followed, and the Scripture was fulfilled literally, "They shall run. and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."

Our text-book, Science and Health, teaches that God is Love, and that He never sends evil upon man. This I have found true, and proven many times. I am very thankful for all the helps along the way,—class teaching, the privilege of joining a branch church, and The Mother Church in Boston,—also for the works of our dear Leader, the revised editions of Science and Health, the new Manual, and Concordance. I also appreciate deeply the work of the Publishing Society, and the help that I gain from the Journal and Sentinel. With Job I can say, "I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee."

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