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From the March 1905 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In these modern times of industrial prosperity, when the busy mart of life absorbs the attention of youth and age, many are overlooking the fact that true progress is indicated by spiritual advancement, and that God's laws must be acknowledged in the affairs of this world. It has been said, "The best established doctrine of historical philosophy is that the power, prosperity, and mental energy of a race or nation springs from and lives by its religion; that when its religion ceases to be its faith—that is, its energizing principle—the intellect, power, vigor, and prosperity of that race or nation dies away in proportion, and ultimately perishes, both mentally and physically."

The doctrine of God's omnipotence, which has never been without an exponent, makes war upon idolatry, resists the despotism of matter, and asserts the rightful dominion of the creator over His creatures. The tendency of mortals to deviate from the path of righteousness, and their natural antipathy to spiritual leadership is well illustrated in the following lines, which are attributed to the ancient Sibyl,—

But we have strayed from the Immortal's way
And worship with a dull and senseless mind
Idols, the workmanship of our own hands
And images and figures of dead men.

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